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Dance All You Can

from two semester tickets you get all other courses free of charge!

Dance whatever your heart desires!

Find what you like and dance as much as you want! The semester ticket DANCE ALL YOU CAN is valid for one semester for all courses organized by the Sonnestein Loft!

>>> here you will find a selection of courses

Information on conditions:

The semester ticket DANCE ALL YOU CAN is not transferable to third parties. RedSapata / Sonnenstein Loft reserves the right to cancel courses if the number of participants is too low. However, at least two courses should be available per week, otherwise the ticket will either be refunded or credited, depending on your wishes.

All other condishere...

Photo: Joel Teodoro, on image: Miranda Rumerstofer

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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