tanzhafenfestival 2022: Opening & Performance OFF THE GRID
Sat, Oct 15
OFF THE GRID by Kadir Amigo Memiş, Chris Noelle aka Tofa, audiovisual dance performance, followed by opening with DJ* Andaka
Zeit & Ort
Oct 15, 2022, 6:30 PM
Linz, Sonnensteinstrasse 11-13, 4040 Linz, Austria
Über die Veranstaltung
Admission: freely chosen contribution
Please reserve for the evening!
OFF THE GRID – Kadir Amigo Memiş, Chris Noelle aka Tofa
The audiovisual dance performance OFF THE GRID breaks with conventional patterns. Geometric shapes meet movement, static boundaries are broken down and fill the space with emotions. The sheer body language defines and deforms the space, the mesh model is reconstructed. There is a clash of creating and destroying in momentum. OFF THE GRID visualizes the body in empty space and provides a metaphor for breaking out of rigid habits. Amigo and Tofa create a feeling of boundlessness and subject dance and space to a metamorphosis.
Duration: approx. 30 min
credits Dance: Kadir Amigo Memişwww.kadirmemis.com Projection & Sound: Tofawww.modulux.at,www.metofa.com
Opening Ceremony - Get Together
The Sonnenstein Loft as a place of encounter, exchange and networking opportunities. We invite you to a joint opening evening - with DJ* Andaka, drinks, finger food and a visit to the photo exhibition "Captured Movement" by Joel Teodoro.
DJ* Andaka:Angelika Daphne Katzinger – DJ*, designer and music expert. Andaka is a DJ* on the Shash Records label and has been on the turntables since 2002. Equipped with an extensive music fund that includes deepfunk, glitch, house, hip hop, trap and a multitude of different grooves that don't fit into one genre _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_, not only does it get your dancing legs moving, but also expands the musical horizon.
Info: soundcloud.com/andaka
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