Sun, Feb 25
The TangoLAB offers space and time for meetings, exchanges and joint practice – for all levels!
Zeit & Ort
Feb 25, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Über die Veranstaltung
The TangoLAB
Sunday, February 25, 2024
6:00-8:00 pm
Tickets: Box office 18€
is intended to provide space and time for exchange, encounters and joint practice for dancers with different dance levels. Feel invited to bring your ideas, concerns and questions about Tango Argentino. In the first 60 minutes we will devote ourselves to a topic together.
In the second half you can practice individually. Valerio will support you throughout this lesson. The music will be a mixture of traditional tangos, neo-tangos and non-tangos. The bar area in the Sonnensteinloft is open for the duration of the TangoLAB and invites you to have a relaxed chat - also to cool down after dancing. The fridge is well stocked. Self-service!Suggested topics: dancing in a confined space, from open to close embraces, changing roles, changing partners, musicality, guidelines for the milonga,....
Event is directed by artist/dancer/choreographer Valerio Iurato;
Valerio is a professional contemporary dancer, choreographer and teacher from Italy/Sicily. He has spent many years of his career working with Argentine tango, learning from renowned teachers and taking part very successfully in national and international tango championships. He combines knowledge and experience from tango and contemporary dance and develops his teaching from this.
Supporting program: "SECOND LIFE" - Tango flea market (label your
Clothing items with name and price and start bargaining! :)
tasting of Bulgarian wines; www.zemitra.com
The TangoLAB will offer space and time for encounters, an exchange of ideas and practicing together – regardless of your level. Feel welcome to bring your questions with you. Let's share this Tango Argentino content! In the first 60 minutes we will work on a specific topic together.
The second half will be dedicated to individual practice with the full support of your trainer. The music will be a mix of traditional tangos, neo- and non-tangos. The barspace will be open – also for a cooldown after your dance. The fridge will be filled nicely. Self service! Examples of topics: dance in a very limited space, from the open to the close embrace, change of roles, change of partners, musicality, guidelines for taking part in milongas,….
Event will be directed by artist/dancer/coreographer Valerio Iurato;
Valerio is a professional contemporary dancer, choreographer and teacher from Italy / Sicily. For many years of his career he was involved in Tango Argentino, learned from renowned teachers and took part very successfully in national and international tango championships. He combines knowledge and experience from tango and contemporary dance and develops his lessons from this.
Side program: “SECOND LIFE” - tango flea market (label your clothes with name and price and let's start trading! :)
Tasting of Bulgarian wines; www.zemitra.com