Jaskaran Anand /trivium: City Voices / What happens when Goddess Kali (Durga) meets Empress Sisi
Sat, Apr 13
with Alja Ferjan and Fatima El Kosht. A performative installation-based social gathering of Trans(T*).DisCity

Zeit & Ort
Apr 13, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Linz, Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 4040 Linz, Austria
Über die Veranstaltung
City Voices / What happens when Goddess Kali (Durga) meets Kaiserin Sisi
a performative installation-based social gathering of Trans(T*).DisCity
by Jaskaran Anand/trivium with Alja Ferjan and Fatima El Kosht.
Sharing/Studiobesuch - in englischer Sprache
Keywords: Letters and Spirits; Identity Politics; Diasporic Culture; Research-based Gathering
FOTO CREDIT: Jaskaran Anand/trivium, L-INKED and L-INKED in open spaces (2022) FOTO: Mick Morley, and Maijde Meergans
19.30 (doors open)
Freiwillige Spende
With the Sonnenstein Loft Residency sharing program, this is an invitation to join an immersive gathering where research merges with creative expression, and diverse voices intertwine to craft narratives.
The installation-based gathering marks a pivotal step in our ongoing City Voices/Letters of Trans(T*).DisCity project, aimed at amplifying often overlooked narratives. In this gathering, the participants/visitors experience visual storytelling through displays of bodies and video layers, unveiling narratives in performative ways.
The gathering is proposed to be seen as a platform presenting a transformative narrative, where the divine Goddess Kali (Durga) from Indian mythology intersects with the regal elegance of Kaiserin Sissi, the imperial figure of Austrian politics.
The intersection between these two figures transcends mere "event"/class status; it's a way for opening into a symphony of voices, a mosaic of stories, and a tribute to the enduring resilience of the human spirit.
A heartfelt invitation and shout-out to female-identifying persons, BIPOC, FLINTA, LGBTQIA+ individuals and anyone who feels marginalized to partake in such an exchange. Anand, accompanied by Ferjan and El Kosht, present performative gestures in the gathering, which becomes a base to engage with the participants/visitors in meaningful dialogue, sharing perspectives, and fostering connections within a supportive community.
Background for performative gestures: The research process delves into the significance of sculptural symbols and embark on a journey through diverse narratives, from the indomitable spirit of historical figures to mythological symbols spanning Greek, Indian, Austrian, and Egyptian cultures.
*City Voices research is initiated in collaboration with Nordico Stadt Museen Linz (Stadt Labor Exhibition). Further supported by Bildrecht GmbH.
Find event in Faceboook: https://www.facebook.com/events/7908877212463935
B.Sc., B.A., M.A., Jaskaran Anand, based in Vienna and Linz, is an internationally recognized performance artist, working in directing, project leadership, choreography, education, cultural initiatives, and films. His* work explores reality formation and networking within the geopolitical human body, and space-time anomalies. He* does so through the philosophy and avatar Harmonical.Self. His long-term projects like place of belonging and L-INKED (imagetanz festival 2021 and 2022 at brut) delve into transdisciplinary approaches and his recent works such as In-between Privacy, Hibernating Further, and MachinedHuman! tackle digitization, ecological-psychological aspects, body-politics and posthumanism. His* transdisciplinary works encompass dance, performance, music, film, scientific ontologies, and technological interfaces. He has performed, choreographed, and taught across Europe, and India since 2009 and has also been seen at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival, Ars Electronica Festival, Europäische Theater Nacht, Lange Nacht der Museen, Opera de Lausanne, Tanztage Burgenland, and Rome Europa Festival. Further, having collaborated with renowned practitioners like Ivo Dimchev, Salvo Lombardo/CHIASMA, Dr. Sandra Chatterjee, and Liz King.
trivium is an organization based in Linz, Austria focuses on researching and promoting cultural
intersectionality present in human beings. Derived from the Latin word for "three roads," trivium
signifies the convergence of art, science, and society in understanding how the body shapes
individual and collective realities. At the forefront of transformative projects like L-INKED
(2021-2022), place of belonging(2022), and Distant Communicators (2022), those addressing
nationality, land-economy, intimacy, gender, and sexuality; trivium seeks to foster dialogue,
understanding, and creative expression within and across communities. The organization's work
often delves into themes such as identity, diversity, social justice, and the relationship between
individuals and society. Since 2023, trivium has been an official member association of the D-Arts Projekt büro in Vienna.
B.A., M.A., M.A.,Fatima El Kosht is an argentinian artist based in Linz, Austria since 2005. She holds a bachelor & master degrees in composition and a MA degree in time-based media (Art University of Linz) . She is active in projects related to experimental sound design, performing arts and electro-acoustic improvisation. Her Multimedia Installation “House of Chicharras” treats the theme of "Reconstruction of Worlds", an exhibition in which she creates a summary of her artistic work to date with photo, video, diapositives & sound contributions. In an open dialogue between auditory and visual elements, Fatima El Kosht also uses text fragments to illuminate the uprooted state in the no man's land between culture, society and identity. In the last years, she participated in several cooperations with international artists and local associations like MAIZ, Migrare, 52%, Musiktheater Linz, Klangwolke and Ars Electronica Festival Linz.
B.A., Alja Ferjan born under Slovenian Alps, is by heart your classic Mediterranean sea lover and by curriculum a dancer, performer, pedagogue. She lives in Linz, Austria. Her drive for artistic work is built on clouds of body-mind awareness, sound and poetic texts, where she challenges herself with the power-game between the visual and the imaginary. With the help of her early background in show-dances and a later contemporary dance and performance arts education, Alja translates her pedagogical knowledge into guiding different bodies, their individual languages, memories, experiences and circumstances. Alja developed a great interest in the organization and curation of alternative interdisciplinary art events. Together with Sonia Borkowicz and Elsa Mourlam she founded an art association Collective B, based in Austria and France, under which they collaborate with international multicultural souls and various independent, free spirit places.