Sat, Dec 04
Dance in shadow areas, the celebration of madness and the search for transformation
Zeit & Ort
Dec 04, 2021, 7:30 PM
Linz, Sonnensteinstrasse 11-13, 4040 Linz, Austria
Über die Veranstaltung
In the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century, & quot; madmen & quot; were imprisoned in Europe. regularly put on display in front of the curious bourgeoisie (see Marat / Sade)
1964 by P. Weiss, as well as "Déraison et folie: histoire de la folie à l'âge classique", 1961 by M. Foucault). Animal characteristics were ascribed to them, which was connected on the one hand with a special kind of fascination and on the other hand with the need for distance - and imprisonment. WAHNWIZZI alludes to the performative conditions of this old madness show à la “Marat / Sade”, in which self-proclaimed reason celebrated its separation from irrationality. The attempt is being made to abolish precisely that borderline. The madness is not locked up, not observed from outside, in the others, but tracked down in one's own existences. The performers try to give the madness one voice, or rather, many bodies and voices. In WAHNWIZZI, states are exhibited that appear far away from or on the edge of standardized functionality, socially defined efficiency. The bodies thrown into the performance play a central role here, as places in which transformations, conflicts, dreams, evaluations, discrimination, negotiations and abuse take place; as places in which memory is stored and constantly modified. We look for our dance in these shadowy areas, we want to celebrate the dimensions of madness and ask ourselves what potential for transformation lies here.
Funded by the City of Innsbruck, State of Tyrol, Federal Ministry for Art and Culture
Concept, direction Paolo Baccarani
Dance, choreography: Paolo Baccarani, Tobias Hanny, Tamara Maksymenko, Riccardo
Meneghini, Anna Maria Müller, Eva Müller, Katja Piening, Emmanuelle Vinh.
Music: John Cage, Guillaume Lekeu
Photos, trailer: Daniel Jarosch
Organization: Irina Gaubinger
Production: OFFTANZ Tirol
Tickets: € 21 regular, € 12 reduced
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